Friday, October 2, 2015

1st Oct 2015

Back on our bikes to visit Ars and Loix today. We rode through the main salt producing marshes, Le Grand Marais with all its fabulous locks and birdlife/

First stop was Ars. with its unusual black and white steeple painted Church

Around the harbour there is a heap of little shops and also in the centre square (of the village)  near the church/Mayors office/information centre/and a host of eateries.

 Loix at the northern side of the island was our next destination ,a huge field of wildflowers greeted us as we approached.

At a central square, next to the church and with the mayors office, information, poste and this creperie, we felt that we needed some more sustenance!

It was a great ride back home in just 85 mins for the 18km including several stops to gaze from this bench outside Le Gillieux hamlet which we had admired since we got here,  First and only bench in the niddle of nowhere on the whole island/

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