Tuesday, October 6, 2015

5th October 2015.

Last day for us here in France and on Ile de Re.  Such a spectacular spot.  Took the cycles out one more time around the Lighthouse and the village.  Ate one last crepe at Chez Marie.  Walked around the point and breathed in the warm ocean air and listened to the various birds arguing on the seaweed.

One example of the many weather vanes that people have on their homes.  this one was on the nearby mill.

Circulation alternee, which means men at work and wait for your turn!

One of the many shop walls in the Lighthouse village.

Of course there had the be the last crepe for the trip, so this was farewell to Chez Marie. Monsieur waiting for his!

very low tide showing the man made efforts to reverse the massive Atlantic forces that batter the coast.  Also visible is the hand made walls to enclose the sea for fishing purposes.  These are official fishing concessions which still exist but they are very fragile and can withstand any sea but not human destruction.

The shore line is such a haven for all sorts of baby birds including this one as old as its parents.
Very calm sea compared to this morning

A scarecrow in a vegie patch

Looking toward the main part of the village of St Clement des Baleines from the east coast with the rain about to hit us.

Our last look at the fields that give the island such a spacious environment.  They grow almost all their own food here. 
And our last selfie from a little laneway pole in between the villages of St Clement des Baleines and our hamlet of Le Gillieux ( all part of the same commune).
This has been a great 10 days here enjoying the open air, open sea, open fields, cycling, walking, enjoying life saving figs by the hand full, nice people, the history and the visits to special places that make L'Il de Re a must return holiday one day.  Our host Mrs Durrbach was such a lovely helpful lady.  The next 3 days travelling and laying over on a long stop at Doha on Wednesday.
Thank you for following the blog.  We hope you enjoyed it and that you also write many for us to follow one day.

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