Monday, October 5, 2015

4th October 2015 - With the meteo forecast proving correct with grey skies and afternoon rain we jettisoned the shorts and donned jeans and heavy jackets for the bus trip to the other end of the island. 
Objectif 1- visit la Flotte, the oldest port on the island
Objectif 2 - try to find those shaggy donkeys
Objectif 3 - make it home around 6:45

Well first photo upon alighting from the bus in la Flotte was this one - Euro35 fine for vulgar language.  Monsieur Le Marie must be strict at home too lol

A small but attractive ancient harbour and lovely tree lined streets

And a delightful surprise to find an undercover market with amazing array of super fresh fruit and vegetables, meats, cheeses, wines, seafood to die for.

All locally grown vegies but fruit from everywhere of course

Some of the most attractive village streets you could find

Not entrirely visible but lots of retail shops for a village of 2,500 people.

We left La Flotte at midday and followed the coastal bike path - 4 km of peaceful tranquillity passing hundreds of multi million euro properties on the coast with the every darkening sky to the north east and thankfully we had a map of the town to navigate our way to facilities and the port.

The village of St Martin is another one of those impenetrable fortresses that held out against the Duke of Buckingham in the 17thCentury and he left defeated.  The island reverted to the French King again.

The massive defence maze meant sure defeat for anyone in that time.

Mis en garde Monsieur!!!!

We walked in the freezing northerly gale to photograph these cute shaggy donkeys.

Lunch was ridiculous and took 90 minutes to eat.  Every morsel was deliciouis and toward half time we were noticed by a little 6 year old girl who wandered away from her family.  She was gorgeous and delighted us with her laughter and taunts.  Happy memories of Ariane when she was six.  This went on for 30 minutes until it was time for her to go and her parents laughingly dragged her away with many goodbyes on either side.

A different scene after lunch from our first visit with the driving misty rain so we took refuge in the church where we fell asleep after lighting a candle.  We stayed there until it was time to get the 5:40 bus home.  There are only 3 bus runs on a Sunday, meaning the next and last service was in another 3 hours.
Tide was out when we left St Martin.

A really nice day on the bus, on the coast and eating of course.  Life can be enjoyed.

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