Wednesday, October 7, 2015

6 & 7 of/10/2015

All begun fairly early yesterday morning, after having finished cleaning the house and having breakfast and showers. Suitcases and backpacks ready. Madame with her car, off we set off to La Passe( a little place about half way east on the island), which is where the bus was indeed waiting. Monsieur Chauffeur, sweeping, mopping, spray and wiping mirrors etc, Madame had a few words(in the nicest possible French way) to say to the unfortunate man about her experiences with the phone service the bus company gave the previous day. She was very sweet and gave us hugs and waved us off!

No donkeys this time and a few more interesting weather vanes near La Flotte.

Our train was waiting, though we had to wait some time before boarding it and heading to Poitiers. The change over was on the same platform so all good there, until we were about to settle in our seats I realised I didn't have my vital little bag! Straight off to find the conductor for him to contact the other train. Which all happened fairly quickly. And he was to get back to us if it was found. Which a few minutes later he did and it was ,with all the vital bits inside. such as credit card, passport, camera, house keys and rosary. The latter I believe being the important link I was praying to for its safe recovery.

Guy in the meanwhile of my running around had contacted Jo and let her know, she was very sweet with her reply and was also praying for me. xox

The conductor advised us to get off at the next stop and wait for 15 minutes for the next train to Montparnasse, which is where our original train was going. We followed his advice and boarded the train and the conductors there were nice and checked us in with our other tickets. Just a very fast train and we arrived safely and found the Information and the man who knew about the bag, brought it out and it was all there except the money. Which in the overall scheme of things was not a big loss.

To recover from all the emotion we crossed from the station to have some hot chocolates and desserts at Le Petit Journal. Though we did see a few musicians enter, we left too early to hear their music. They are holding the quarter's jazz festival until end of October. 

 For a first we took a direct bus service to the Airport (I know at peak hour by this time) and an extra half an hour to our journey as a result. The bus was very squashy and hot. Anyway the hold up was on the free way north and we did enjoy the earlier streeets and saw the Bastille monument and various other buildings of note. We even went past the street where we first stayed in Paris together in 2012. The rain kicked in a bit here and there, we finally arrived safely at the airport and we freshened up and checked our bags in.

We were entertained by a woman pianist (there was a piano there), which was nice.

Sunrise over Doha as we approached

Flight was uneventful and now we are in the family quiet room for Guy to sleep, I managed ok on the flight. After lunch we will head to the lounge for a shower and relax there, as we are flying out late tonight. Which is rather tiring, but we'll make most of it here, the Airport is modern now, and has many facilities. Lots of walks to keep our circulation going.

Now we have checked out the Braun hair dryer so time to go to the Oryx First class lounge which is a pay service if you are not a Business or First Class passenger. very good value for 6 hours and the manager gave us a it extra because of the long stop over we are having here. The food is great and the service unbelievable. Showers are very relieving on long stopovers too.
Feeling refreshed and needing to do some more retail therapy we loaded up

We have great seats - just 2 in the row - at the back of first section over the wings. Bon voyage.


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