Sunday, October 4, 2015

3rd October 2015

Les Portes en Re was the destination today, just north of us and around 6km distance. 

A very pretty village, it had a market finishing up and we had a quick walkabout, picked up a baguette and had lunch on the beach.  With only the birds, crabs and the bees for company. 

Walking around the tidal pools

Nap on the beach for Guy.

So many colours and the water so blue and no wind at all.

We brought too much butter but we threw it all in anyway.

It's the fig thief again ...but in French it is known as qualitie controlee.  If the figs are no good you complain to the owner.  All in all they are live saving figs

A really really old house near the bird sanctuary, the most important one in Europe. (The sanctuary not the house).

 Some cormorants drying themselves.

An egret, one of hundreds in the area fishing.

A panorama of the salt production system meeting the sea.

 Monsieur doing his daily inspection of thee salt  evaporation pens pour la qualitie.

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