Thursday, October 1, 2015

30h September 2015

On a rather cool and partly overcast morning, giving our bikes a rest, we waited for our bus and headed to La Rochelle to explore it a little more.  By lunch, the weather was brilliant and we had walked around the harbour and its beautiful sights.  In a little side street we found a little bread shop that had fabulous Panini's and hot chocolate.   It was low tide early on and we found 2 locks, one of which was keeping a fleet of yachts upright in higher water, when we left, the tide was in and the lock was open letting some of the yachts out.

With 2 of the towers behind us. Tour de la Chaine (left) and St Nicolas.

One of the locks.

The harbour, the lighthouse at the back was build in between 2 houses.

This is one of the gates called Grosse Horloge, probably due to the clock hanging in there.

Looking out towards the Atlantic, Guy is taking photos of the 2 towers.

Looking the part of a local! (though he was the only one with a beret I could see)

Time for lunch in this quaint little street.

Very old and interesting street, with the 3rd and oldest tower (1600's) Tour de la Lanterne, originally a lighthouse, and a prison from the 1700's

The only remaining medieval light house on the Atlantic coast.  It was 84 metres high when it was in service but now only 50.

There was a good collection of "prisoner art", such as the engraving below.

some of the amazing views from climbing up the precarious and many, many steps!

The unbelievably narrow and steep secret staircase of the small tower chapel.

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