Friday, September 11, 2015

10th September 2015
Roquefort today! To soak up the village atmosphere and tastings. First stop was at St Afrique for lunch.

The scenery became gradually more contrasting as we approached our destination, many hills and red coloured farmland.

We visited 3 different sites in Roquefort, on recommendation from the lady at the Information @ St Afrique.  Below was one of the actual caves where they have 11 storeys inside the mountain crevices  to keep this precious cheese safe. The engineering created by the calamitous mountain collapse 4 million years and adapted by the French inventors of the cheese is a marvel to be seen.

The actual village too was very pretty and high up with great views.

So loaded up with three varieties of the Roquefort we bid farewell to this fabulous place where the cheese flavour explodes in your mouth like a sherbert.
Driving back our eye caught a sign for Combret, on a winding donkey track for 6 km through valleys and over  hills, and suddenly we came across this gem.  The remains of a 12th century tower made into a superb dining room and a terrace for hot chocolate.  Madame was nearby under a tree in the square to help us with our order, and she had friends dropping by to booster her knitting group!

In some ways its like Beynac fortress in the Dordogne but without the fortress.  The street scape and scale is similar.  The area was settled in the Bronze Age and there are stones on the hillside with the carvings of that time.

From the top of the hill at the church, we had this view.

Once we got down the side of the village on the narrowest of passes we crossed the river and got this view.

Our haul of Roquefort at the end of the day.  Extremely delicious.

By this time the two weary travellers were bereft of energy and it having been 8 hours since they had lunch, asked Chef du Maison Guy to create a unique salade.  In the flash of a ceramic knife le Chef whipped up a sensationelle array of delicate accutreiments.  Everything just blended so perfectly and tasted out of this world.

What did the customers have to say about this creation?  Well they paid and left for a moment with smiles on their faces refusing desert.  When they return there will be vin rouge and chocolat to finish off the perfect meal.

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