Monday, September 28, 2015

27th Sept 2015

Today was our first day out on our bicycles. Which was great for covering distance as the terrain was fairly flat. First mission of the day was the Boulongerie for our bagettes. Just 2 km down the road at St Clement des Baleignes.

Our hamlet is called Le Gillieux, a charming cacophony of houses and laneways that all lead to the ocean one way or the other.

After that we ventured out a little further to the beach and lighthouse. We watched a local carefully looking for his fish.
In the afternoon, we took off to explore further regions. It was great to see that we could manage it all fairly easily. So much scenery to admire and the salt pans/ lakes and great variety of bird life. Monsieur was ready.

And off he went with Caroline in close pursuit haha

The salt producing farms are a masterpiece of handwork for harvesting the best salt in the world.
The water starts accumulating in these larger lakes and as it reduces by evaporation it gets moved into shallower areas

At the end of the day we stopped at the lighthouse again, as there is a great array of shops and eateries, including this creperie, avec Monsieur who got himself into the photo quite happily.

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