Tuesday, September 15, 2015

14th September 2015

On the road travelling west towards Bagneres de Bigoire in the Hautes Pyrenees. Not too great a distance today.  We left a rather soggy Auch at around 10am after bidding our hostess Patricia au revoir.  Headed south on the D938 past countless little villages, until we found a bar that offered us hot chocolate.  Then another place that had a petrol station and a Bricolage where we bought some tape masquage, until finally we reached Castelnau sur Magnoac which did have 3 boulangeries - one of which was open. Yeah!  A lovely place.

The road was becoming progressively steeper and the views more spectacular.   
We came across several shepherds and their flocks by the side of the road and this is the favourite shot of these animals.

Chateau Mauzens in the distance.

Chateau closer up with its resident goats.

The Pyrenees loom in the clouds ahead

Finally arrived in Bagneres de Bigorre. A small town on the river Adour. Perfectly located from which to explore the Pyrenees over the coming week. We are situated right in town, near a boulongerie, supermarket and many cafes.  There are also a couple of tiny turtles guarding the back yard!


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