Wednesday, September 2, 2015

1st Sep 2015
Bergerac today! Weather started a lot cooler and clearer, the storm had passed.

We took the backroads today as recommended by Karen, and as we had used part of this road yesterday, we realised it was a lot easier and also very pretty and not as much used.  It took us directly into Bergerac.

The old part of town is on the river Dordogne, very pretty little town with some very steep little lanes, lined with buildings from different centuries. Fabulous baguettes avec canard et pain du chocolat for desert for sustenance.

Best chocolate place in Bergerac. Jeff de Bruges.
The best chocolate ice-cream ever!

 Our lives were saved by Jeff- thank you Jeff

one of our country lanes in the evening, after visiting the Cross du Sud and then gathering some figs.
After the pesto bow ties pasta cooked a la maison, the perfect accompaniement is presented to you for your enjoyment.  hint- the figs were picked just hours before and were bursting with creaminess and flavour.

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