Tuesday, September 1, 2015

31 Aug 2015

Appeared a bit cooler and overcast today, which was a nice change. We headed to the small (to us unknown)  villages to the west of us today.  Miremont a tiny hamlet hidden and secluded on top of a hill. Only thing visible from the road was a bastide and parts of an old fort.  We found the track that led there and could only drive to the edge of the place.  On foot then and some rain presented on and off during our walk.

Many buildings did not have vehicle access only a steep path.
 Work is underway on the fortress walls and gates.  This fortress is on a boucle (countryside walking trail and it wouldn't be good to have walls falling on walkers.

Many parts of the fort were not visible but it is 12th century and has quite a history.
Another little find was the following village called Mauzens-Miremont, surrounded by farmland and was substantially larger, though without shops. There was a huge Marie building and a school.
Ste Alvere was our final destination as appearing  slightly larger on the map! Always a good indication of infrastructure.  And it was surely a little gem. There was a lot of activity in the church (where we headed as it was open and refief from a light shower), the woman asked us where we were from, an was quite good with her English, as I suspected she was of Dutch background, and hence good with languages.  Anyway there was to be a concert for the following evening and she invited us along.  Rain settled and we headed outdoors for a café for hot chocolate and we already had our baguettes for lunch.  When we found the concert flyer later on, it was a recital by a quartet of musicians who had been performing yearly for 50 years! All had Dutch names! Quell Surprise! Tres Amusant.  We found our café an had our walk around town, that was from around the 12th Century, had some old remnants of a huge wall.

Probably the smallest street in France

This was the ladies tower (above) and old part of the ramparts.

The old gate, one of the oldest in the area.

The area is also ideal for Truffels.  Here are two in question
The day was not complete without these amazing "Glaces"! The salted caramel for Caroline and the fruit for Guy. This was at LesEyzies, a gorgeous little village build into the cliffs. Originally home for Cro-magnom man.  A manufacturer of Salted Caremel Buerre has his little shop here, and since our last visit he and his family have build a café as well. Again an excuse to hide from the rain (lol).

The weather cleared up to 30+ degrees and as dusk rolled in there was an amazing electrical storm, one bolt of lightening right above us with the thunder at the same time.

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