Sunday, September 6, 2015

4th SEP a relatively quiet day to visit a few places and byways unknown to us in the past.

We drove to the Site of La Madeleine, a troglodyte settlement at Tursac.  Our dinner neighbours from the west coast of France told us about this place last night at La Gayote. Oui.

This stunning view over the valley and the Vezere river first greets you.

A 10th century (original one inside) hugs the limestone cliff.

Standing alongside the

This fortress is the remnants of the 14th C Chateau Fort Marzac just behind the troglodyte village.  Taken live in black and white before colour film was invented.  It was taken by the marauding English forces during the 100 years war but recaptured by the Baron de Beynac from the mighty Beynac Castle further down the river.

As you can see the village hugged the carved limestone cliffs.

In the evening we were invited by our hosts Karen and Steve, to come and share Steve's birthday with them and some of their English and American friends who live locally.  It was a lovely evening, being our last night in Rouffignac.

5/Sep 2015

All packed up this morning and headed East towards Figeac in the Lot department.  We stopped by Gourdon where we had lunch and walked around the medieval town. A lot of horn blowing to announce a pending wedding at the Church of St Pierre.
One of the original gates to the medieval part of the city.
Our gite is on the ground floor of this wonder 17th C building.  The village of Camboulit is absolutely delightful. There are no roads wide enough to accommodate more than a single car.
Relaxing at the entrance.
Our hosts Veronique and Daniel unexpectedly invited us upstairs for pre-dinner drinks after arrival.  We met both their daughters and a grand-daughter.  It was an absolutely delightful time spent speaking in broken French and English but amazingly we understood everything each other said.  Martine, one of the daughters, arrived a little later and spoke very good English on the other hand so that helped a lot with some difficult phrases. 
Such beautiful people.
As we bid our farewell for the evening, the street light shone upon the medieval street below. Reminiscent of a time long ago.
A wonderful day comes to a close.  We are so fortunate to be enjoying this.

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