Sunday, September 27, 2015

25th Sept 2015,

We had a lovely day around Lourdes, out last day.  It's such a special place. Walking around the old village, finding amazing ice cream and crepes!

26th Sept 2015
Today we headed West to Il de Re, a little island situated just off La Rochelle. Off the west coast of France

We had 2 train trips starting from around 6.30 this morning and at La Rochelle caught the bus to the Ile, which took almost 2 hours of meandering around all the island villages to finally arrive at our village near the Phare (light house) at the far end. So after  3.30pm we finally got our luggage through the door at St Clements des Baleines . This is the home of the famous French sea salt,  Madame was very helpful and even took us shopping to a super market in Ars in her car which had everything you could ask for and more.  We felt we had bought most on offer there! Afterwards we headed down the Rue de la Plage to find the light house and see some of the sights.  The collection of little shops with interesting objects is immense and will require a few more visits to check out.

We found 2 light houses, one from 16 a54nd the taller one from 1892. Below is the older one.

Dinner at the local epicure, playing Keith Richards in the background, to Oysters for Guy and dips for me.

A new cheese to taste tonight...

\\Bonsoir from us

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