Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Le Tour de L;Ilse de Re - A Magnificent Victory amongst the worst conditions in drcades.

With just one day of training in le Tour we set off for the first stage of St Martin en Re, about 21 kilometres to the east/  From the outset the wind hit us with full force at 60-70 km, head on all the way.

The north side of the island is home to thousands of oyster beds reachable only at low tide and cultivated for centuries on rock bases deep in the water. This is low tide.

Arriving at St Martin was a blessing in itself and we were going to get there even if it meant cheating on the back of the team car/  This is the view of the finishing line taken from the St Martin Church tower.

A shot of Caroline after the first stage lunch where she was clearly ahead of the rest of le peleton, Looking very pleased with herself

Etage 1 prize was a crepe/

Part of the Mission was to photo the woolly donkeys

On the return etage we spotted this eatery with a dozen oysters for Euro 6.5

Near Ars en Re we found one of two amazing amphibious creatures that let us come right up to them.

A panoramic shot of the harbour at Ars

Needless to say we won Le Tour and first prize was a Hublot Parker valued at $350.  The crowd roared. We got home at 7pm.

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