Monday, September 7, 2015

6th September 2015

Loving our little village of Camboulit here, just outside of Figeac. So quiet, we were having breakfast outside our front door in the sun, and we hear, then see a tractor with Monsieur framer driving by in the narrow lane!  You just have to love it!

Our first stop for the day was the fortified Moulin de Cougnaguet.  At times of famine during the middle ages, the Moulin had to be protected from hungry peasants.  Rather sad.  But now the place is owned by a lovely couple who are more then happy to show you around and give you the tour of the mill and all its workings.  Tons of flour of various grades are produced in a day and in fact you can purchase your flour there! Upstairs in their ancient (14th century) abode, they are happy to share some walnuts and walnut liquor with you.  Their fire place is fantastic! And the instrument for opening the walnuts is also quite novel.

The Moulin is conveniently surrounded by water and high cliffs.

A selection of life saving grapes

Next up were the 216 steps @ Rocamadour

and some lunch overlooking the valley and village below.

Situated not far from reach is my Casoullet Rocamadour

My  hair stands on end at the sight of the Tartine de Pommelle - its really very healthy looking

The door on the left led to a very special sanctuary, the Crypt of Notre Dame of Rocamadour.  Down some very old steps.
The view from the other side of the valley.

Here we also found a great little creperie, which was needed after climbing and climbing up and down.

Today was not about the food.

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