Wednesday, September 9, 2015

8 Sept 2015

Next stage on the voyage of discovery of France! Today we left Camboulit, with some sadness as it was a fantastic apartment and the hosts were so lovely. Next destination was Albi, in the Tarn region, and as you may guess, it has the Tarn river flowing through it.  Villeuve d'Aveyron was the first Bastide village on our route.

Najac is another magical little village on a steep hill, with the chateau on another hill visible from the street.

Najac is a labour of love to climb up and own the street to get the best vantage point of the castle or the village from the other end.
The obligatory selfie taken because we couldnt find a good spot to perch the cameras

This magical cat was sleeping but talking to us as we called "puddy puddy puddy" but never opened its eyes.  It constantly replied "meow" which meant bugger off I am trying to sleep.

Many stunning example of stone tile roofs near the castle looking toward the Najac village
Then I spotted this Dutch woman.  The Dutch are every where.
To Albi now, our destination with a cow that thinks the grass is greener on the road.


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